Backup your important files.

  • To minimize the potential of losing important information, always make a backup of your crucial files. To do this, you can use a CD-burner.
  • Scan and defragment your hard drive.
  • Your hard drive stores information in open areas of your hard drive. As you delete data on your drive, open space appears. The computer will utilize this open space to store new information. The defragmentation will locate delete open spaces and place associated files back together again, helping your computer to run smoothly.


Minimize the amount of software that you install.

Only install necessary applications on your computer. Some software products conflict with each other and cause problems.


Install and maintain virus protection software.

Computer viruses and worms are becoming more and more common. In order to avoid corrupting important data, install a virus protection application..


Install critical software updates.

Vendors frequently update their software products and drivers. These updates include fixes to problems that arose after applications were produced and sold to customers as well as drivers which tell your computer how to operate a particular piece of equipment. Installing these updates will ensure that you are optimizing the performance of your software and hardware.